Current Appointment
- CEO, Gateway Consulting
Previous Appointments
- Professorial Fellow (Health Informatics), Dept of Information Systems, School of Computing NUS (2010-2014)
- Adjunct Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University (2006-2010)
- Professor & Director, Double-degree program in Biomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine, School of Biological Sciences, NTU (2005-2006)
- Dean of Admissions, NTU (Feb-June 2005)
- Professor and Vice-Dean (Academic), School of Biological Sciences, NTU (2001-2005)
- Associate Professor, Dept of Community, Occupational and Family Medicine,
NUS (1988-2001)
- Senior Lecturer, Dept of Community, Occupational and Family Medicine, NUS (1981-1987)
- Lecturer, Dept of Community, Occupational and Family Medicine, NUS (1976-1980)
- Director, Medical Informatics Research Program, NUS (1996-2001)
- Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Informatics, NUS (1990-2001)
Academic Qualifications
- B.Sc. (Hons), University of Singapore 1967- 71
- Ph.D. (Biometrical Genetics), University of Birmingham, UK 1971 – 74
- M.Sc. (Medical Demography), London School of Hygiene & Tropical Med., UK 1980-81
- IMIA Francois Gremy Award of Excellence for Medical Informatics conferred by the International Medical Informatics Association on 22 August 2017 at MEDINFO 2017, Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China.
- 1851 Royal Exhibition Overseas Science Research Scholarship, UK for Ph.D. program in Biometrical Genetics at the University of Birmingham, UK, 1971
- Colombo Plan Scholarship for a M.Sc. program in Medical Demography at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, 1980-1
- Sarwono Prawirohardjo award from the Indonesian National Association of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for statistical collaboration with researchers at the University of North Sumatra to produce the best scientific paper (published in the international journal, Contraception) in the OBGYN field for 1982-84.
- Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship for a two-week study program on medical informatics at the Univerities of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, January 1997
- China Medical Board Fellowship on medical informatics at the Hospital Computer Center, University of Tokyo, Japan, 1984
- First prize, Scientific Poster Category, INET ’98 – Internet Summit 1998, Geneva, Switzerland, 1998
- NUS Teaching Excellence Award for ‘Use of IT in Teaching’, 1998
- Singapore Internationale award by the Singapore International Foundatio
n for “contributions to the promotion of Singapore through international activities in medical informatics” (award citation), March 2001.
- Excellence for Singapore 2002 award by the Singapore Totalisator Board for “reachingthe pinnacle of success in his field of endeavour, for his indomitable spirit of excellence and enterprise, for his outstanding leadership and international achievements, and for promoting Singapore as a centre of excellence in the field of medical informatics” (award citation), August 2002.
Research, Research Grants and Research Contracts
- GIS-based Epidemiologic Modeling of Acute Disease Outbreaks
(Pilot Project)
Funding sources: Biomedical Research Council (BMRC)
Amount: S$100,000.00
Duration: 2004-2005
- Medical Informatics Programme
Funding sources: National Science & Techology Board / Ministry of Education
Amount: S$6,600,000.00
Duration: 1996-2000
- Health ONE multilingual health information web portal on Singapore ONE
Funding sources: National Computer Board / Ministry of Education
Amount: S$570,000.00
Duration: 1997-99
- Telemedicine in Singapore: An adoption model for hospitals and healthcare providers
Funding source: MOE
Grant: S$180,000.00
Duration: 1998-2001
- Telecare Programme in Chronic Disease Management
Funding source: Biomedical Research Council, NSTB/MOE
Grant: S$823,720
Duration: (Grant awarded in 2001 but project not taken up due to resignation from NUS to join NTU in July 2001)
- Contract to develop software for ‘Sample Size Estimation for Health Studies’
Funding source: World Health Organization
Grant: US$5,000.00
Duration: 1998-1999
- Work on development of medical information resources on the Internet has earned several firsts for Singapore:
- First virtual hospital, the “Cyberspace Hospital”, on the World Wide Web, launched on 1 May 1995
- First 3-D virtual hospital, the “3D Cyberspace Hospital”, on the World Wide Web, launched in 1995
- Health ONE project won first prize in the scientific poster category at INET ’98, the International Conference on the Internet in Geneva 1998, for its multilingual and multimedia approach to dissemination of health information on the World Wide Web
- Development of Windows-based software for ‘Sample Size and Power Estimation in Health Studies’ for the World Health Organization. Software is now widely used by researchers and research organizations and universities throughout the world including CDC, NIOSH, Karolinska Institute, Harvard School of Public Health, Swiss Tropical Institute, Hannover Institute of Biometry etc.
- Pioneered first telemedicine service in Singapore called TELEGEMS (Tele-Geriatrics Management System) linking Alexandra Hospital A&E Dept with 2 nursing homes (Lentor Residence and Moral Welfare Home), 2000
Patent filed with US Patent and Trademark Office (Serial No. 60/227,602) on 24 Aug 2000 for a ‘networked virtual reality system for remote monitoring of cognitive and physical rehabilitation’.
Professional Activities
National Appointments
- Member, Customer Advisory Committee on Healthcare, SingTel (2008-2010)
- Healthcare & Biomedical Sciences Subcommittee,iN2015(“Intelligent Nation 2015”), Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), Singapore (2005-6)
- President, Association for Informatics in Medicine, Singapore (2000-2002)
- Co-chair, Tech Scan Panel (Engineering in Medicine), SERC, A*STAR (2004-5)
- Advisor, Department of Medical Informatics, Singapore General Hospital (2002-4)
- Member, Temasek Polytechnic Engineering School Advisory Committee (2002-5)
- Visiting Consultant (Medical Informatics), Singapore Armed Forces (2001-2004)
- Member, User and Education Committee, BioMedical Grid Project of the BioMedical Research Council, A*STAR (2001-4)
International Appointments
- Elected member, International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics (IAHSI) since 2017
- Honorary Fellow, International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) (2004- )
- President, International Medical Informatics Association (2001-2004)
- President, Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (1994-1997)
- Director, World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Health Informatics (1990-2001)
IMIA Presidents From left to right: Dr. François Grémy, the first chairman of the IFIP Tc 4, 1967 – 1973., Hans E. Peterson, IMIA President (1983 – 1986), Marion Ball, IMIA President (1992 – 1995), Otto Rienhoff, IMIA President (1995 – 1998), David Shires, IMIA President (1980 – 1983), K. C. Lun, IMIA President (2001- 2004).
Membership, Editorial Boards of Internationally-Refereed Journals
- Editor (Asia, Australia and New Zealand), International Journal of Medical Informatics (1998-2001)
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Medical Informatics
- Editorial Board, Methods of Information in Medicine
Grant Review and External Professional Appointments
- Member, Accreditation Committee, International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) to accreditate graduate health informatics courses at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Member, Accreditation Committee, International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) to accreditate graduate health informatics courses at Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
- Expert Referee for the Expert Subcommittee on Grant Applications and Awards (ESGAA), Health Services Research Committee of Hong Kong
- Expert Referee on Research Proposals for Grant Applications, National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore
- External examiner, Institute of Post-Graduate Studies, Universiti Sains, Malaysia, 1997 – M.Sc. candidate
- External examiner, Institute of Post-Graduate Studies, Universiti Sains, Malaysia, 1998 – M.Sc. candidate
- External examiner, Centre of Medical Informatics, Monash University, Australia, 2001 – Ph.D. candidate
- External assessor, School of Mechanical & Production Engineering, NTU, Jan 2002 – conversion of M.Sc. to Ph.D. candidature
- External assessor, Dept of Computer Science, School of Computing, NUS, Feb 2002 – M.Sc. candidate
Major Conference Organization
- Chair, Organizing Committee, International Symposium on Data-Driven Healthcare, Singapore, 29 & 30 August 2017
- Chair, Scientific Programme, International Conference on Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare, organized by the NUS Centre for Health Informatics, 8-10 July 2013
- IMIA Vice-President i/c MEDINFO 2001, 10th World Congress on Health and Medical Informatics, London 2-5 Sept 2001
- Member, SPC, 6th International Conference on the Medical Aspects of Telemedicine, Uppsala, Sweden, 18-21 June, 2001
- Member, SPC, APAMI-MIC 2000, Hong Kong, 27-29 September 2000
- Member, SPC, Nursing Informatics 2000, Auckland, New Zealand, 29 Apr-1 May 2000
- Member, SPC, MEDINFO 98, 9th World Congress of Medical Informatics, Seoul, Korea, 18-22 August 1998
- Member, Organising Committee, 6th Int’l Conf on Health & Med Informatics Ed, Newcastle, Australia, 14-16 Aug 1997
- Member, Jt Conference Executive Committee, APAMI-HIC Joint ’97 Conference, Sydney, Australia,11-13 Aug 1997
- Member, Adv Board, 3rd Int’l Conf on the Medical Aspects of Telemedicine, Kobe, Japan, 30 May-1 June, 1997
- Chairman, OC, MIP Inaugural Forum, 24 September 1997
- Chairman, MEDWEB ’96, first Singapore Medical World Wide Web Conference, Singapore, 1996
- Chairman, OC, Inaugural Forum of the Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics, Singapore, 1994
- Chairman, Editorial Committee, MEDINFO 92, 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics, Geneva, 1992
- Chairman, OC, MEDINFO 89, 6th World Congress on Medical Informatics, Singapore, 1989
Conference Invitations as keynote/plenary speaker
- International Symposium on Data-Driven Healthcare, Singapore, 29 & 30 August 2017 (Closing Keynote Speaker)
- Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) Conference, 1-2 Nov 2014, New Delhi, India (keynote speaker)
- IEEE Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan (IEEE-JCMIT), Academia Sinica, 1-3 November 2013, Taipei (keynote speaker)
- 4th Middle East Health Informatics (MEAHI) Conference, 22-24 April 2013, Dubai, UAE (keynote speaker)
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital Research Methodology Workshop, 1 Dec 2012, Singapore (invited speaker)
- Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI Conference) 2012, 22-25 Oct 2012, Beijing, People’s Republic of China (plenary speaker)
- Annual Singapore Conference on Ageing (ASCA) 2012, 10 May 2012, Singapore (plenary speaker)
- World Health Organization Workshop on Impacts of eHealth on Health Outcomes, Services and Systems, 31 Oct – 1 Nov 2011, hosted by South African H
ealth Informatics Association (SAHIA), Cape Town, S Africa (Invited participant) - Greater China eHealth Forum 2011, 7-8 October 2011, Hong Kong (plenary speaker)
- 3rd Annual Asia Pacific/Japan Turning Science into Caring (TSIC) Symposium hosted by Abbott Laboratories, 7-9 November 2010, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (plenary speaker)
- National Health IT Summit, Workshop on Change Management, 16-17 July 2010, Singapore (Workshop Panelist)
- 3rd Middle East Conference on Health Informatics, 30 March – 1 April 2010
, Beirut, Lebanon (keynote speaker)
- Clinical Bioinformatics Symposium, International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB), 7-11 September 2009, Singapore (invited speaker)
- AMIA Forum on International Distance Learning in Biomedical and Health Informatics, 9-11 December 2008, London (invited participant)
- Turkish 3rd e-Health Congress, 5-9 November 2008, Antalya, Turkey (plenary speaker)
- 2007 Pan-Pacific Medical Informatics and 2nd e-Health Summit, Beijing, China, 17-18 April 2007 (plenary speaker)
- Health InfoTec 2007, Singapore, 28-30 March 2007 (Opening Keynote speaker)
- Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) 2006 Conference, Taipei, 27-29 October 2006 (closing speaker)
- Inaugural eHealth Forum, Hong Kong, 15-16 September 2006 (keynote speaker)
- First Annual Summit on Healthcare Informatics Asia Pacific, Beijing, China, 19-20 April 2006 (plenary speaker)
- LIGHT (Leadership in Global Health Technology) Summit, London, 26-28 Sept 2005 (invited speaker)
- 7th Annual NTU-SGH Symposium 2005, Singapore, 11-12 August 2005 (invited speaker)
- Nursing Informatics Symposium, Singapore Nursing Association, Singapore, 25 September 2004 (keynote speaker)
- International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004, Prague, Czech Republi
c, 12-16 April 2004 (invited speaker)
- eHealth Asia 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-8 April 2004 (plenary speaker)
- Health Informatics Asia 2003, Singapore, 4-6 November 2003 (keynote speaker)
- APAMI & CJKMI-KOSMI Conference 2003, Daegu, Korea, 20-22 October 2003 (plenary speaker)
- Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), USA Conference 2003, San Diego, 10-14 Feb 2003 (plenary speaker, International Symposium)
- Medical Informatics Symposium of Taiwan 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-6 October 2002 (plenary speaker)
- Health Informatics Conference (HIC) 2002, Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 Aug 2002 (keynote speaker)
- 26th International Congress of Internal Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, 26-30 May 2002 (invited speaker)
- 3rd SAF Military Medicine Conference, Singapore, 8-9 Feb 2002 (plenary speaker)
- Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong Telemedicine Association, 26 Jan 2002 (invited speaker) – via video conference
- Interoperable Medical Registry Systems 2002 Conference,
Singapore, 19 Jan 2002 (keynote speaker)
- Vietnam-Japan Medical Imaging/Informatics 2001 Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, 24-25 Nov 2001 (keynote speaker)
- Pacific and Asia Conference on Intelligent Information Systems (PAIS), Seoul, Korea, 16-17 Nov 2001 (keynote speaker)
- Medical Informatics Symposium of Taiwan 2001, Taipei, T
aiwan, 26-28 Oct 2001 (keynote speaker) - Inaugural Address, IMIA Presidency, London, 2-5 September, 01
- “Cutting Edge in O&G” Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 17-19 August, 01 (invited speaker)
- SingHealth Nursing Conference, Singapore, 13 July, 01 (plenary speaker)
- “Human Society@Internet” Conference, Seoul, 4-6 July, 01 (keynote speaker)
- 1st Indian National Conference on Telemedicine, Lucknow, 23-27 April, 01 (plenary speaker)
- Philippine Pediatric Society 38th Annual Convention, Manila, 1-4 April, 01 (plenary speaker)
- IV Spanish Congress on Medical Informatics Special Session on ‘International Perspectives in Medical Informatics’, Madrid, 29 March 01 (invited speaker)
- ‘Challenges in Medical Informatics’ Workshop organized by Erasmus University, the Netherlands, Madrid, 29-31 March 01 (invited speaker)
- Internet Workshop 2001 on Next Generation Internet and its applications, Tokyo, 21-23 February 01 (invited speaker)
- Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Second International Congress, Hong Kong, 2-5 Nov 00 (invited speaker)
- Medico-Legal Society of Singapore Seminar, Singapore, 28-29 Oct 00 (plenary speaker)
- International Society of Telemedicine Conference, Montreal, 2-4 Oct 00 (invited speaker)
- APAMI-HIC 2000 Conference, Hong Kong, 27-29 Sep 00 (plenary speaker)
- International Symposium on Information Technology and Diabetes, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA, 8-10 Sep 00 (invited speaker)
- TeleHealth 2000, Kuala Lumpur, 2-4 Sep 00 (plenary speaker)
- 34th Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine, Singapore, 3-6 Aug 00 (invited speaker)
- University Surgeons of Asia Conference, Singapore, 31 May – 1 June 00 (invited speaker)
- 30th Annual Convention, Philippine College of Physicians, Manila, 9-12 May 00 (plenary speaker)
- 15th Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics, Taegu (Korea), 10-11 Dec 99
- World Health Organization First International Conference on the Western Pacific Diabetes Information Network, Kobe (Japan), 18 Nov 99
- Medical Informatics Symposium of Taiwan, Taipei, 29-31 Oct 99
- 1999 Health and Technology Conference, Interact Asia Pacific Multimedia Festival, Melbourne (Australia) 2-3 September 99
- Global Chinese Conference on ‘Computers in Education’, Macau, 7-9 June 99
- 112th Sri Lanka Medical Association Anniversary Academic Sessions, Kandy, 24-27 March 99
- Medical Informatics Symposium of Taiwan, Taipei, 20-24 Nov 98
- 1999 Wonca Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Taipei, 6-10 March 99
- XI Conference for Space Biology and Aerospace Medicine: International Telemedicine Symposium, Moscow, 25-26 June 98
- Health IT Australia ’98, Sydney, 25-27 May 98
- Plenary Speaker: APAMI-HIC Joint ’97 Conference, Sydney, Australia,11-13 August 97
- Faculty: WHO Intercountry Workshop on Management Information Systems in the context of district health systems, Manila, Philippines, 27-31 October 97
- Keynote Speaker: MIC ’97, 4th Hong Kong (Asia Pacific) Medical Informatics Conference, HK, 22-23 October 97
- Plenary Speaker: TeleMed Asia ’97, Kuala Lumpur, 15-18 September 97
- APAMI-HIC 97 Joint Conference, Sydney, 11-13 August 97
- 3rd International Conference on Medical Aspects of Telemedicine, Kobe (Japan), 30 May – 1 June 97
- Towards an Electronic Patient Record (TEPR ’97), Nashville (USA), 30 April – 2 May 97
Consultancies to International Organizations
- World Health Organization International Consultation on Telemedicine, Geneva, 12-14 Jan 2000
- WHO Intercountry Workshop on Health Informatics, Seoul, Korea, 1998
- WHO Intercountry Workshop on Management Information Systems, Manila, Philippines, 27-31 October 97
- WHO Technical Review Committee on Financial Resource Allocation Procedure, Geneva, 17-21 Feb 98
- UNDP/WHO consultant for data management course for Pyongyang Maternity Hospital, DPRK, 1995
- WHO Int’l Consultation on Int’l Center for Health Applications & Software Evaluation (CHASE), Geneva, 1990-2
- WHO Sci & Tech Review Committee to review Statistical and Data-Processing activities at WHO Collaborating Centers for Human Reproduction in China, Singapore and Indonesia, 1991-2
- IDRC (Canada) consultant for Impact Evaluation of Mobile Nursing Clinic, Philippines, 1985-6
- IDRC biostatistical consultant for Environmental & Health conditions of small-scale industries in Asia, 1984-5
- IDRC biostatistical consultant for Asian Association for Occupational Health project on pesticide poisoning
among agricultural workers in countries of SE Asia, 1985-6 - IDRC biostatistical consultant for Multicentred Collaborative Fertility Proj (S’pore, Malaysia & Indonesia), 1978-80
- Resource person, UNICEF symposium on Child survival, population and development, Indonesia, 1987
Research interests
- Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) Outbreaks using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (funded by A*Star grant)
- Clinical bioinformatics
- Intelligent search and retrieval of medical information on networked resources
(funded by NSTB/MOE grant as a Strategic Research Project under the MIP) - Goal-based techniques for diagnosis of foetal abnormalities using ultrasonography
(funded by NSTB/MOE grant as a Strategic Research Project under the MIP) - Telemedicinal virtual reality for physical rehabilitation
(funded by NSTB/MOE grant as a Strategic Research Project under the MIP) - Delivery of distance learning using WWW technologies
- Papers in Internationally Refereed Journals – 49
- Papers in Locally/Regionally Refereed Journals – 38
- Papers in Non-Refereed Journals – 6
- Papers delivered at Conferences – 150
- Monographs – 4
- Editorial Work on Books – 1
- Editorial Work on Journals – 3
- Chapters in Books – 6
- Published Scientific Reports – 4
- Theses/Dissertations – 2
- Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Gateway Consulting Pte Ltd (since October 2006) – a consulting company specializing in professional training in the areas of biostatistics and health informatics.
- In 2009, Gateway Consulting collaborated with the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) and the Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) to bring the AMIA 10×10 Medical Informatics Certificate Training Program to Asia.
- In 2012, Gateway Consulting was awarded a contract by the Work Safety and Health Institute, Ministry of Manpower to provide in-house training for its staff on research methods, biostatistics, epidemiology and clinical trial methodology.
Teaching (Department of Information Systems, NUS School of Computing)
(prior to retirement on 31 Dec 2014)
- IS3250 Health Informatics
- IS4250 Healthcare Analytics
- Healthcare Analytics Executive Course (NUS Centre for Health Informatics)
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