My Photo Album - Convention in Manila and meeting in Uppsala (Sweden) in 2000

Invited by the Philippine College of Physicians to give the Plenary Presentation at their 2000 Convention
- with Dr Antonio Dans (L2) and Dr Charles Yu (L3)
Receiving plaque of appreciation from Dr Herman Tolentino, President, Philippine Medical Informatics Society (PMIS), Manila, May 2000
S* Alliance for BioInformatics Meeting, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 2000
- Betty Cheng, Singapore (L1), Winston Hide, S Africa (L3), Tony Weiss, Australia (L4), Doug Brutlag, USA (L5)
S* is a bioinformatics consortium so-called because its members comprise Singapore (NUS), Sydney (NSW University), South Africa (University of Western Cape), Stanford and Sweden (Uppsala University).
S* Alliance for BioInformatics Meeting, Sweden, 2000
- with the Rector of Uppsala University (L1), Winston Hide, S Africa (L2) and Siv Andersson, Sweden (L4)