My Photo Album - IMIA and AMIA meetings in Washington, DC in 1999

American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Symposium, Washington DC, 1999
- at the reception with Branko Cesnik, Australia (L1), Nancy Lorenzi, USA (L2), Robert Riley, USA (L3), Wendy McPhee, Australia (L4)
Medinfo 2001 Scientific Program Committee Dinner in Washington DC, 1999
- from right to left: Kris Moehr (Canada), Arie Hasman (Netherlands, co-chair), Mark Musen (USA), Hiroshi Takeda (Japan, co -chair), Ted Shortliffe (USA), Vimla Patel (Canada), Lyn Hanmer (S Africa).  At that time, I was the IMIA President-elect overseeing the organization of MEDINFO 2001 in London.
Medinfo 2001 Scientific Program Committee Meeting in Washington DC, 1999
Nursing Informatics 2000 (NI2000) Scientific Program Committee Mtg, Washington DC, 1999
- Evelyn Hovenga, Australia (L2), Virginia Saba, USA (L3), Marianne Tallberg, Sweden (L4) and Robyn Carr, New Zealand (Chair, L5).  I was invited to serve on the SPC.