My Photo Album - IMIA Board Mtgs in Auckland (NZ) and Hannover (Germany) in 2000

IMIA Board Meeting in Auckland, New Zealand, April 2000
- with Jean Roberts, UK (L1), Marion Ball, USA  (L2) and Ulla Gerdin, Sweden (L4)
Nursing Informatics 2000, Auckland, New Zealand, April 2000
- with Peter Carr and the America Cup at the Royal NZ Yacht Club reception
Section of the delegates at the IMIA General Assembly in the Congress Centrum, Hannover, August 2000
IMIA Board Meeting and General Assembly, Hannover, Germany, August 2000
- at Board Dinner with (from left to right) Jean-Raoul Scherrer, Switzerland, Mrs An van Bemmel, Netherlands, Ab Bakker, Netherlands, Jan van Bemmel, Netherlands (IMIA President), Charles Safran, USA, Jean Roberts, UK, Steven Huesing's son, Michael and Steven Huesing, Canada.