My Photo Album - IMIA Working Group Conference on HIS, Heidelberg, 2002
At the IMIA Working Group Conference on Health
Information Systems in Heidelberg, April 2002 with (from left) Heimar Marin
(Brazil), Charles Safran (USA) and Patrice Degoulet (France)
With delegates from the City University, UK
together with Reinhold Haux and Steven Huesing.
Enjoying German wine at a sidewalk restaurant
in Heidelberg with Steven Huesing and Reinhold Haux.
The mayor of Heidelberg speaking at the dinner
reception for delegates at the historic Heidelberg Castle.
At the Heidelberg Castle reception with (from
left) Charles Safran (USA), Klaus Kuhn (Germany, Chair of Conference
Organizing Committee), Gunther Gell (Austria) and
Ruediger Klar (Germany)