My Photo Album - Invitational meetings in Montreal, Hong Kong and Tokyo in 2000 - 2001

International Society for Telemedicine Conference, Montreal, Oct 2000
- invited session speakers: Ricky Richardson (chair), Michael Ackerman (USA) and another USA guest speaker from industry
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Second International Congress, Nov 2000
- picture of the Grand Hall in the HKAM premises in Aberdeen, HK
I was invited to give a presentation on the "Relevance of Telemedicine for Small City States" - the second time I had the opportunity to fly first class :-)  Unfortunately the flight from Singapore to Hong Kong was so short that by the time I figured out the gimmicks in the SIA first class cabin, it was time to land :-)
Speaking at the Internet Workshop 2001 on Next Generation Internet, Feb 2001, Tokyo.
Picture taken in the Auditorium of the National Center for Sciences which is equipped with wireless lan - a state-of-the-art at that time!
At the reception of the Internet Workshop 2001 on Next Generation Internet, Feb 2001, Tokyo.
- with Paul Fontelo, USA (L1) and Kunio Iijima, Japan (L2)